Naomi Ireson’s legal guide to removing a trustee of a charity Removing a trustee of a charity is both a highly sensitive process, and a legally regulated one. The starting point should always be a review the charity’s governing documents,
When charitable gifts in Wills are unclear
Uncertain Charitable gifts A recent High Court decision has provided much needed clarification of the law on charitable gifts where an organisation’s details are incorrectly stated in a Will, or where a charity has amalgamated or changed its name. It
Legacy income continues to rise
Leading legacy strategists’ review of 2023 paints a positive picture In its annual review of legacy income trends, Smee and Ford report that revenue from legacies has never been higher. The review of 2023 will make good reading for those
‘Put Up or Shut Up’
‘Put Up or Shut Up’ orders How ‘Put Up or Shut Up’ orders can help charities obtain legacies that are being delayed Your charity has been left a sizeable legacy, but the executors are not distributing the estate because someone
Mediating legacy disputes
We have a 95% mediation success rate in the field of contentious probate law Our contentious probate team, which has a 95% mediation success rate, can assist with mediating legacy disputes and can work on a No Win, No Fee
How can a trustee avoid becoming personally liable for legal costs in a legacy dispute?
Avoiding personal liability for legal costs in a legacy dispute The personal liability of charity trustees is understandably an issue of great concern to those involved in legacy disputes. Here is some helpful guidance on avoiding personal liability for legal
Compromising a legacy dispute
A trustee has a duty to protect and secure the charity’s assets, and this principle extends to compromising a legacy dispute. Compromises are common in legacy disputes as they avoid the expense of formal litigation or a contested trial. However,
Legacy disputes and mediation
The role of mediation in resolving legacy disputes Legacy disputes and mediation: Trustees have a legal duty to act in the charity’s best interests. This includes managing resources responsibly when a legal dispute arises, and embracing all forms of alternative dispute
Financial mismanagement and requiring an executor to provide an account
What can a charity do about financial mismanagement of an estate? One effective option when a charity has concerns about the way in which the finances of an estate are being handled by an executor is to seek an order
What can a charity do if disagreement is causing delay in the administration of an estate?
We take a look at a commonly asked question, “What can a charity do if disagreement is delaying the administration of an estate?” Your charity receives a much-needed legacy, but payment is being held up by a disagreement which the